WordPressThese articles show you how to install, configure, optimize, and extend the popular WordPress blogging platform. They also feature collections of useful plugins, great looking themes and guides to making your own.

The Gutenberg WordPress editor has become part of WordPress core. What is the Gutenberg WordPress Editor and what does that mean for you?
- 22nd Nov, 2018

Dashicons are the official icon font of WordPress. This page shows all the WordPress dashicons with codes needed and how to use dashicons.
- 30th Oct, 2015

How to show the featured image to WordPress "All Posts" admin screen which is useful to see what posts haven't got a thumbnail set.
- 16th May, 2014

WordPress autosaves as you edit, but this can go wrong and disables the update button. Here's how to fix disabled WordPress publish button.
- 14th Mar, 2013

WordPress sets some cookies which are not strictly necessary. Here is how to disable comment cookies for better GDPR compliance.
- 28th Sep, 2012

This tutorial and download shows you how to implement an 'implied consent' notification message using jQuery and includes WordPress plugin.
- 13th Jun, 2012

WordPress is a pretty secure platform, but there are several things you can do to harden WordPress security and protect your website.
- 10th Apr, 2012

Folding Category List is a Wordpress sidebar widget that will show a category list that expands as you click into each sub-level.
- 27th May, 2011

If you're looking to create your own unique WordPress themes, this guide will show you everything you need to know, from start to finish.
- 22nd Jan, 2011

Sample code for removing smart quotes, or curly quotes, from WordPress posts when it automatically converts normal quotes to smart quotes.
- 26th Jan, 2009