15 Github Repositories You Should Follow as a Developer

Here is a list of some great Github repositories that every developer should follow to help you grow as a developer and stay up to date.

By Tim Trott | Software Engineering | January 18, 2020
871 words, estimated reading time 3 minutes.

Web Developer RoadMap

Web Developer RoadMap
Web Developer RoadMap

The web developer roadmap repository can find a path for frontend, backend, and dev ops developers. The goal of these roadmaps is to give you a sense of the landscape and help you decide what to learn next if you're stumped. This repository includes three graphs that show you precisely what each path entails and which abilities are required. Frontend, backend, and dev-ops are the paths described in this repository.

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30 Seconds of Code

30 Seconds of Code
30 Seconds of Code

The 30 seconds of code repository is the most popular on this list, with over 65K ratings on GitHub. For all your development needs, this repository contains small JavaScript code snippets.

Calculating Celsius to Fahrenheit and computing weekdays between two dates are among the tidbits. All of these snippets provide solutions to issues that you may encounter while programming in JavaScript.

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Awesome Cheatsheets GitHub Repositories

Awesome Cheatsheets
Awesome Cheatsheets

Cheatsheets are handy. Cheatsheets are something that every developer has used at least once. Especially when you're studying anything new, such as a programming language or framework, fortunately, you won't have to make your cheatsheets because the incredible cheatsheets library has you covered.

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Web Development Resources

Web Development Resources
Web Development Resources

This is an excellent project about Web Development resources with resources added frequently.

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CSS Protips GitHub Repositories

CSS Protips
CSS Protips

The CSS protips repository has several valuable hints for improving your CSS skills. We've all experienced how difficult it can be to style a web page from time to time. The suggestions on this page will assist you in resolving issues that you have most likely encountered previously.

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Awesome Design Pattern

Awesome Design Pattern
Awesome Design Pattern

This repository not only covers generic architecture but also includes code examples of specific design patterns. More than ten programming languages and frameworks are represented in these samples. When you need to apply one of the design patterns yourself, these examples come in handy.

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Coding Interview University

Coding Interview University
Coding Interview University

It takes a lot more than Googling a list of frequent interview questions to prepare for an interview. So, if you're seeking tools and step-by-step instructions on how to prepare for an interview, this repository is for you. This repository contains a wealth of links and materials to help you understand computer science principles and details.

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Awesome Interview Questions

Awesome Interview Questions
Awesome Interview Questions

One of the most popular repositories is the excellent interview questions repository. Ours is one of the most popular repositories on this list, with around 50K ratings on GitHub. This repository provides a large number of interview questions for nearly every programming language and framework.

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GitHub Logo
15 Github Repositories You Should Know as a Developer

Free Programming Books

Free Programming Books
Free Programming Books

This GitHub repository contains many free learning resources from which you can learn a variety of technical skills. The list used to be on StackOverflow, but it was later transferred to GitHub to make it more maintainable. This repository is available in over 30 languages. The Free Ebook Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, manages this repository.

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Command Line GitHub Repositories

Command Line
Command Line

One method is to become familiar with the command line and know how to use it. The art of command line repository provides several tips and tricks that can be useful in specific situations or save time compared to other options. This repository is helpful for both novice and advanced command-line users.

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The fantastic resource contains a wealth of information on various topics related to software development and programming. If you genuinely want to learn something new, it's a one-stop shop. This repository contains excellent content for various topics, ranging from programming languages to big data, novels, business, and security.

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FreeCodeCamp, I'm sure you've heard of it. It is one of the largest and most user-friendly repositories on GitHub. It provides newbies with a free way to learn how to code efficiently. They have a large community and a friendly forum where people can support and improve their coding skills. Bookmark this repo if you want to learn and build something new while collaborating with millions of people.

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Frontend Development

Frontend Development
Frontend Development

Resources for front-end web developers that have been manually curated.

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Tech Interview Handbook

Tech Interview Handbook
Tech Interview Handbook

For busy engineers, selected interview preparation tools.

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Awesome Hackathon Projects

Awesome Hackathon Projects
Awesome Hackathon Projects

This is a curated list of awesome hackathon projects. Developers from different parts of the world have developed a lot of amazing projects during the hackathon on their Hashnode-powered blogs. Projects get updated daily.

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That's a roundup of my choice for Github repositories, what are your favourite Github Repositories? Let us know in the comments below.

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