Astronomical Constants - Useful Constants for Astronomy

The IAU system of constants defines a system of astronomical units for length, mass and time, and also includes astronomical constants.

Introduction to Astronomy

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  1. Astronomy for Beginners - Complete Guide
  2. What are Right Ascension (RA) and Declination (Dec)?
  3. What is Angular Size in Astronomy?
  4. Magnitude Scale and Distance Modulus in Astronomy
  5. Sidereal Time, Civil Time and Solar Time
  6. What Are The Equinoxes and Solstices About?
  7. How Do We Measure Distance in Space Using Parallax and Parsecs
  8. Brightness, Luminosity and Flux of Stars Explained
  9. Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion Explained
  10. What Are Lagrange Points?
  11. List of Astronomy Equations with Workings
  12. Glossary of Astronomy & Photographic Terms
  13. Astronomical Constants - Useful Constants for Astronomy

The IAU system of constants defines a system of astronomical units for length, mass and time, and also includes astronomical constants such as the speed of light and the constant of gravitation which allow transformations between astronomical units and SI units.

Defining Astronomical Constants

Quantity Symbol Value Relative
Gaussian gravitational constant k 0.017,202,098,95 A3/2,S-1/2,D-1 defined
Speed of light c 299,792,458 ms-1 defined
Mean ratio of the TT second to the TCG second 1 - LG 1 - 6.969,290,134×10-10 defined
Mean ratio of the TCB second to the TDB second 1 - LB 1 - 1.550,519,767,72×10-8 defined

Primary Astronomical Constants

Quantity Symbol Value Relative
Mean ratio of the TCB second to the TCG second 1 - LC 1 - 1.480,826,867,41×10-8 1.4×10-9
Light-time for unit distance ?A 499.004,786,3852 s 4.0×10-11
Equatorial radius for Earth ae 6.378,1366×106 m 1.6×10-8
Potential of the geoid W0 6.263,685,60×107 m2,s-2 8.0×10-9
Dynamical form-factor for Earth J2 0.001,082,6359 9.2×10-8
Flattening factor for Earth 1/ƒ 0.003,352,8197
= 1/298.256,42
Geocentric gravitational constant GE 3.986,004,391×1014 m3,s-2 2.0×10-9
Constant of gravitation G 6.673,84×10-11 m3,kg-1,s-2 1.2×10-4
Ratio of mass of Moon to mass of Earth µ 0.012,300,0383
= 1/81.300,56
General precession in longitude, per Julian century, at standard epoch 2000 Ρ 5029.796,195? *
Obliquity of the ecliptic, at standard epoch 2000 ε 23ε 26' 21.406? *

Derived Astronomical Constants

Quantity Symbol Value Relative
Constant of nutation, at standard epoch 2000 N 9.205,2331? *
Unit distance = c?A A 149,597,870,691 m 4.0×10-11
Solar parallax = arcsin(ae/A) p? 8.794,1433? 1.6×10-8
Constant of aberration, at standard epoch 2000 κ 20.495,52?
Heliocentric gravitational constant = A3k2/D2 GS 1.327,2440×1020 m3,s-2 3.8×10-10
Ratio of mass of Sun to mass of Earth = (GS)/(GE) S/E 332,946.050,895
Ratio of mass of Sun to mass of (Earth + Moon) (S/E)
(1 + μ)
Mass of Sun = (GS)/G S 1.9818×1030 kg 1.0×10-4

System of planetary masses & Ratios of mass of Sun to mass of planet

Planet Ratios of mass
Mercury 6,023,600
Venus 408,523.71
Earth + Moon 328,900.561,400
Mars 3,098,708
Jupiter 1047.3486
Saturn 3497.898
Uranus 22,902.98
Neptune 19,412.24
Pluto 135,200,000

Other Astronomical Constants (outside the formal IAU System)

Quantity Symbol Value Relative
Parsec = A/tan(1") pc 3.085,677,581,28×1016 m 4.0×10-11
Light-year = 365.25cD ly 9.460,730,472,5808×1015 m defined
Hubble constant H0 70.1 km,s-1,Mpc-1 0.019
Solar luminosity L? 3.939×1026 W
= 2.107×10-15S,D-1
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