What to See in the Sky at NightFind out what to see in the night sky this month. What meteor showers are active now? Are there any comets to see? When is the next planetary conjunction?, Is there a solar or lunar eclipse soon?

The winter night sky sparkles with some of the best celestial objects to observe from the northern hemisphere.
- 14th Nov, 2013

As the warm nights of summer give way to crisp autumnal evenings, there's plenty of autumn deep sky objects to see in the autumn night sky.
- 14th Sep, 2013

The summer night sky can be a wonderful time for stargazing and despite the light evenings, there's much to be seen at this time of year.
- 14th Jun, 2013

A collection of Spring night sky targets to observe during March to May before the days get too long and we lose dark nights for the summer.
- 14th Feb, 2013